Ngày nhận bài: 19-02-2013

Ngày duyệt đăng: 24-04-2013


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Lực, Đỗ, Bộ, H., Frédéric, F., Leroy, P., & Bình, Đặng. (2024). GROWTH PERFORMANCE AND SPERM QUALITY OF STRESS NEGATIVE PIÉTRAIN BOARS AND THEIR HYBRIDS WITH DUROC. Tạp Chí Khoa học Nông nghiệp Việt Nam, 11(2), 217–222.


Đỗ Đức Lực (*) 1 , Hà Xuân Bộ 2 , Farnir Frédéric 3 , Pascal Leroy 3 , Đặng Vũ Bình 4

  • 1 Khoa Chăn nuôi và Nuôi trồng thủy sản, Trường Đại học Nông nghiệp Hà Nội
  • 2 Faculty of Animal Science and Aquaculture, Hanoi University of Agriculture, Vietnam
  • 3 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Liège, Belgium
  • 4 Center of Multidiscipline Research for Rural Development, Hanoi University of Agriculture, Vietnam
  • Từ khóa

    Growth performance, hybrid boars, semen quality, stress-negative Piétrain, terminal boar

    Tóm tắt

    This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of genetic background and season on growth performance and semen quality of boars. Five genetic groups were evaluated, including stress-negative Piétrain boars with CC (PiCC) or CT (PiCT) halothane genotypes, and Piétrain x Duroc hybrid boars with various compositions (25% PiDu25, 50% (PiDu50) or 75% (PiDu75) of Piétrain origin) The results showed that genetic group has a significant effect on growth performance and semen quality. The hybrid boars PiDu25, PiDu50 and PiDu75 had better growth rate, but lower lean meat in comparison with pure stress-negative Piétrain, except PiDu75 boars. PiDu25, PiDu50 and PiCC boars demonstrated high semen quality. A season effect was observed on most of semen quality traits of pure stress-negative Piétrain as well as hybrid boars with different genetic constitution. Sperm concentration was lower in summer and autumn, higher in winter and spring. The Piétrain x Duroc hybrid boars, especially PiDu75 seem to be promising as terminal boars.

    Tài liệu tham khảo

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