Ngày nhận bài: 20-10-2014 / Ngày duyệt đăng: 02-03-2015
NFκB plays an important role in the immune system in all organisms. In this study, physicochemical properties and modelling of finfish NFκBIα protein was analysed using in silicoapproach. Finfish species: guppy (Poecilia reticulate), Bicolor damselfish(Stegastes partitus), Channel catfish(Ictalurus punctatus), Coelacanth(Latimeria chalumnae),and Australian ghostshark(Callorhinchus milii)were used in this study. Physicochemical characteristics,molecular weight (Mol. Wt.: 33160.2 – 42977.9), theoretical isoelectric point (pI: 4.37 – 5.09), extinction coefficient (EC: 17920– 37650 / 17420 – 36900), aliphatic index (AI: 85.88 – 98.83), instability index(II: 39.83 – 49.09), total number of negatively charged residues (-R:47 – 55) and positively charged residues(+R: 19 – 29), and grand average of hydropathicity(GRAVY: -0.611 – -0.241) were obtained. The results showed that except NFκBIα from P.reticulateall were defined as soluble proteins.Possible pairing and pattern of cysteine residues were found in all protein sequences and the most probable pattern of pairs of cysteine.Secondary structure analysis revealedapproximately equal parts of random coils and helices, followed by strands. Three dimensional homology modelling for NFκBIαfrom finfish was performed and evaluated as credible modelsbasedon PROCHECK’s Ramachandran plot, ProQ and ProSA analysis.